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The rapid change in computing hardware platforms and devices, languages, and supporting programming environments accompanied by their diversity, and the research advances, more than ever challenges the educators what to teach in any given semester. Students and their employer face similar challenges on what constitutes basic (and advanced level) expertise. Currently, professors essentially teach what they are most comfortable with and use whatever computing platform is accessible. In an attempt to keep up with the latest one perhaps ends up ignoring more fundamental aspects. The authors of textbooks simply are not able to keep up, and no single book seems sufficient. Industry promotes whatever best suits their latest hardware/software platforms. The big picture is getting extremely difficult to capture. In short, the entire parallel processing community, facing this rapid churn in technology, is in urgent need of regular, periodic curricular guidance.
Statement of Objectives
Statement of Need and List of Topics
List of Topics
Review of State of Parallel/Distributed Computing Education
Need and Scope Assessment
Stakeholders and how to engage them all
Current curriculums
Current Supporting infrastructure
Model courses, book series, tutorials, student resources (IDE, debugging tools, software, hardware)
Certifications for Industry Personnel
Student Programming Competitions and other Forums
Courses/Levels to be considered
Undergraduate courses
Introductory course(s) in parallel and distributed computing
Related courses – OS, Architecture, Computational Math/Sciences, Networks, Software Engineering, Simulation, VLSI, introductory programming courses, etc.
Other courses – Database, Graphics, AI, etc.
Concentrations, minors
Graduate courses
Other levels/disciplines (AP Computer Science, IB CS; Computational Thinking across curriculum at k-12, other disciplines -arts, music, business, law, medicine)
Annual workshop at IPDPS
TCPP Standards Committee on Curriculum
Membership drawn from all stakeholders
Role, Activities
Impact Assessment and Evaluation Plans
† This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants IIS 1143533, CCF 1135124, CCF 1048711 and CNS 0950432. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation