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EduPar19: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education

EduPar-19 Technical Program

NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education (EduPar-19) Program

                                                                      May 20, 2019 

                                           Hilton Rio de Janeiro Copacabana

                                                  Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL




WELCOME: Sushil Prasad, Noemi Rodriguez and Martina Barnas (pdf)

9:00 - 9:45

KEYNOTE:  Dilma da Silva
Responding to the Growth of Computer Science Enrollments

9:45 - 10:15

10:15 - 11:15 Curriculum Update - Sushil Prasad and Chip Weems (pdf)
11:15 - 12:30

SESSION 1 - Techniques and Strategies
Session Chair: Sheikh Ghafoor

11:15 - 11:35

P. Chitra and Sheikh Ghafoor.
Activity based approach for teaching Parallel Computing: An Indian Experience (pdf) 

  11:35 - 11:55 

Leandro Marzulo, Calebe Bianchini, Leandro Araújo, Victor Ferreira, Brunno Goldstein and Felipe França.
Teaching High Performance Computing through Parallel Programming Marathons (pdf).     

 11:55 - 12:15

Awad A. Younis, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Mike Metzler and Anu G. Bourgeois.
Case Study: Using Project Based Learning to Develop Parallel Programing Skills (pdf).
           12:15 - 12:25

Session 1 Q&A

12:30 - 2:30pm


2:00 - 2:50 

SESSION 2 - Experience
Session Chair:  David Bunde

  2:00 - 2:20

Alec Goncharow, Anna Boekelheide, Matthew Mcquaigue, David Burlinson, Erik Saule, Kalpathi Subramanian and Jamie Payton. 
Classifying Pedagogical Material to Improve Adoption of Parallel and Distributed Computing Topics (pdf).

  2:20 - 2:40

Neftali Watkinson, Aniket Shivam, Alexandru Nicolau and Alex Veidenbaum.
Teaching Parallel Computing and Dependence Analysis with Python (pdf).

  2:40 - 2:50


2:50 - 3:00

Summary of Posters and Peachy Assignments.
David Bunde and Noemi Rodriguez 

3:00 - 3:40

Poster and Peachy Assignment viewing and networking


Deepak Aggarwal, Prashant Kumar, Harish Charan and Hemant Joshi
Parallel & Distributed Computing (PDC) Using Low Cost, Compact and Portable Raspberry Pi Mini Cluster: Pradyut

Fei Cao, Dabin Ding and Michelle Zhu
Experience on Learning Parallel and Distributed Computing Through Games Design

Toby Dragon
Instilling Excitement and Caution: Introducing the Benefits and Pitfalls of Parallelism in Introductory Programming Courses

Muztaba Fuad, Anthony Moore and Debzani Deb
Exploring Student’s Understanding of Parallelism

Justin Shi,
Curriculum Supplements for Decentralized Parallel Computing


David Bunde
Graphical Heat Diffusion

Benjamin Glick and Jens Mache
Finding the Electric Potential of a Square Wire

Ozcan Ozturk
Face Recognition Assignment using OpenMP

3:40 - 4:30


Session Chair: Noemi Rodriguez

          3:40 - 4:00

Andrew Danner, Tia Newhall and Kevin Webb
ParaVis: A Library for Visualizing and Debugging Parallel Applications (pdf)

          4:00 - 4:20 Benjamin Levandowski, Debbie Perouli and Dennis Brylow
Using Embedded Xinu and the Raspberry Pi 3 to Teach Parallel Computing in Assembly Programming (pdf).
4:20 - 4:30  SESSION 3 Q&A
4:30 - 5:30 Discussion Panel
Moderator: Martina Barnas