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EduHPC-17 Technical Program

                                        EduHPC-17: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing                                        

                                                                   Mon, Nov 13, 2017 

                                                               Time: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University
Cynthia Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories
Paper Session I (Session Chair: Robert (Bob) Robey)
Parallel Education for Scientific Applications


Amit Amritkar, Jerry Ebalunode, Martin Huarte-Espinosa, Peggy Lindner, Pablo Guillen Rondon and Andrea Prosperetti.
"Vistas in Advanced Computing" (paper)
Tommy Franczak, Asare Nkansah, Thomas Marrinan and Michael Papka.
"A Path from Serial Execution to Hybrid Parallelization for Learning HPC" (paper)  
Jianwu Wang, Matthias Gobbert, Zhibo Zhang, Aryya Gangopadhyay and Glenn Page.
"Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric Sciences" (paper)
10:05-10:30 Break


Paper Session II (Session Chair: Alan Sussman)
Tools and platforms     
Judy Qiu, Supun Kamburugamuve, Hyungro Lee, Jerome Mitchell, Rebecca Caldwell, Gina Bullock and Linda Hayden.
"Teaching, Learning and Collaborating through Cloud Computing Online Classes"  (paper)
Joshua Higgins and Violeta Holmes.
"Teaching parallel and distributed computing with container virtualization" (paper)           
Sunita Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland, Meifeng Lin, Matthew Otten, Dirk Pleiter, John E. Stone, Juan Lucio Vega, Michael Zingale and Fernanda Foertter.
"The OLCF GPU Hackathon Series: The Story Behind Advancing Scientific Applications with a Sustained Impact" (paper)
Manuel Arenaz, Sergio Ortega, Ernesto Guerrero and Fernanda Foertter.
"Parallware Trainer: Interactive Tool for Experiential Learning of Pararallel Programming using OpenMP and OpenACC" (paper)


Paper Session III (Session Chair: Vaidy (Ramachandran Vaidyanathan))
Discussion-inspiring papers
11:50-12:15   Robert A. van de Geijn, Jianyu Huang, Margaret E. Myers, Devangi N. Parikh and Tyler M. Smith. "Lowering Barriers into HPC through Open Education.” (paper)
Katharine Cahill, Steven Gordon and Scott Lathrop.
"A Proposed Model for Teaching Advanced Parallel Computing and Related Topics" (paper)
12:40-2:00  Lunch ( On your own)
Session Chair: Cynthia Phillips
"Peachy Assignments:" A new Edu* conference component David Bunde, Knox College 


Keynote:  Teaching sound principles and good practices for parallel algorithms. 
Kunal Agrawal, Washington University in St. Louis

3:00-3:30 Break
Panel: Attracting Women and Underrepresented Minorities to HPC and data science
Martina Barnas (Indiana University), Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico), and Sally Goldman (Google)
Revisions to NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Guideline on Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) for Undergraduate Education.
Updates on the curriculum revision and audience comments

CDER Center: Sushil K. Prasad, Anshul Gupta, Arnold Rosenberg, Alan Sussman, and Charles Weems

Curriculum Aspect Leads: Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Karen Karavanic, Trilce Estrada, Krishna Kant, Craig Stunkel, and Sheikh Ghafoor