09:00-9:05 |
Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University
Cynthia Phillips, Sandia National Laboratories
9:05-10:05 |
Paper Session I (Session Chair: Robert (Bob) Robey)
Parallel Education for Scientific Applications
Amit Amritkar, Jerry Ebalunode, Martin Huarte-Espinosa, Peggy Lindner, Pablo Guillen Rondon and Andrea Prosperetti.
"Vistas in Advanced Computing" (paper)
9:25-9:45 |
Tommy Franczak, Asare Nkansah, Thomas Marrinan and Michael Papka.
"A Path from Serial Execution to Hybrid Parallelization for Learning HPC" (paper)
9:45-10:05 |
Jianwu Wang, Matthias Gobbert, Zhibo Zhang, Aryya Gangopadhyay and Glenn Page.
"Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric Sciences" (paper)
10:05-10:30 |
Break |
Paper Session II (Session Chair: Alan Sussman)
Tools and platforms
10:30-10:50 |
Judy Qiu, Supun Kamburugamuve, Hyungro Lee, Jerome Mitchell, Rebecca Caldwell, Gina Bullock and Linda Hayden.
"Teaching, Learning and Collaborating through Cloud Computing Online Classes" (paper)
10:50-11:10 |
Joshua Higgins and Violeta Holmes.
"Teaching parallel and distributed computing with container virtualization" (paper)
11:10-11:30 |
Sunita Chandrasekaran, Guido Juckeland, Meifeng Lin, Matthew Otten, Dirk Pleiter, John E. Stone, Juan Lucio Vega, Michael Zingale and Fernanda Foertter.
"The OLCF GPU Hackathon Series: The Story Behind Advancing Scientific Applications with a Sustained Impact" (paper)
11:30-11:50 |
Manuel Arenaz, Sergio Ortega, Ernesto Guerrero and Fernanda Foertter.
"Parallware Trainer: Interactive Tool for Experiential Learning of Pararallel Programming using OpenMP and OpenACC" (paper)
11:50-12:40 |
Paper Session III (Session Chair: Vaidy (Ramachandran Vaidyanathan))
Discussion-inspiring papers
11:50-12:15 |
Robert A. van de Geijn, Jianyu Huang, Margaret E. Myers, Devangi N. Parikh and Tyler M. Smith. "Lowering Barriers into HPC through Open Education.” (paper) |
12:15-12:40 |
Katharine Cahill, Steven Gordon and Scott Lathrop.
"A Proposed Model for Teaching Advanced Parallel Computing and Related Topics" (paper)
12:40-2:00 |
Lunch ( On your own) |
2:00-2:10 |
Session Chair: Cynthia Phillips"Peachy Assignments:" A new Edu* conference component David Bunde, Knox College
Teaching sound principles and good practices for parallel algorithms.
Kunal Agrawal, Washington University in St. Louis
3:00-3:30 |
Break |
3:30–4:15 |
Panel: Attracting Women and Underrepresented Minorities to HPC and data science
Martina Barnas (Indiana University), Trilce Estrada (University of New Mexico), and Sally Goldman (Google)
4:15-5:30 |
Revisions to NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Guideline on Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) for Undergraduate Education.
Updates on the curriculum revision and audience comments
CDER Center: Sushil K. Prasad, Anshul Gupta, Arnold Rosenberg, Alan Sussman, and Charles Weems
Curriculum Aspect Leads: Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Karen Karavanic, Trilce Estrada, Krishna Kant, Craig Stunkel, and Sheikh Ghafoor