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SIGCSE Workshop on Modernizing Early CS Courses with Parallel and Distributed Computing

SIGCSE Workshop on Modernizing Early CS Courses with Parallel and Distributed Computing

Saturday, March 2, 3pm – 6pm

Room: Hyatt Greenway D/E

Presented By:
Sushil Prasad – NSF & Georgia State University
Alan Sussman
– NSF & University of Maryland
Sheikh Ghafoor
– Tennessee Tech University
Charles Weems
– University of Massachusetts


3:00p – 3:30p
Overview of TCPP Curriculum (slides)

3:30p – 4:00p
Unplugged Activity for Introducing PDC Concepts in CS1/CS2
  1. Finding Youngest Person in Class
  2. M & M Sorting
  3. Card Sorting


4:00p – 4:20p
Introducing OpenMP in a Data Structures (CS2) or Systems Class (slides)

4:20p – 4:35p

4:35p – 5:45p
Hands on Activity on Implementing Parallel Programs in CS1/CS2
  1. Parallel Sum
  2. Parallel Min/Max
  3. Parallel Sort


5:45p – 6:00p
Resources for Introducing PDC in early CS classes and workshop survey
  1. Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER) (i) Book Project - download free preprints, (ii) MPI/Spark Cluster - free access for courses, and (iii) Courseware
  2. Tennessee Tech University Resourcource
    1. Hands-on modules for CS1/CS2
    2. Other resources
  3. University of Massachusetts Amherst Resources
    1. Weeklong CDER Summer Training Workshop