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SIGCSE-24 Activities

SIGCSE-24 Program

Detailed Activities and Links:

Workshop 108: Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing in Early Computing Classes

March 20, 2024 19:00 - 22:00 (PT)

Room E145, Oregon Convention Center, Portland

Presenters: Sushil Prasad University of Texas at San Antonio, Alan Sussman University of Maryland, Chip Weems, UMass, Sheikh Ghafoor Tennessee Tech University, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan Louisiana State University


Sussman, Alan, et al. "Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing in Early Computing Classes." Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2. 2024.

CDER Booth: Unplugged Activity to Teach PDC Concepts

March 21, 2024

Oregon Convention Center, Portland

SIGCSE-2024 poster-spsession

CDER Center Flyer

SIGCSE-2024 poster-book

CDER Books

SIGCSE-2024 poster-book
