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List of Fall 2012 Early Adopters

# Topic Principal Investigator Country Co-Pis Organization Courses Proposed
1 TCPP Early Adopter Fall 2012 Tia Newhall United States Andrew Danner Swarthmore College CS31 Introduction to computer systems, CS40 Computer graphics, CS41 algorithms, CS45 Operating Systems, and CS87 Parallel computing
2 TCPP Curriculum: Early Adoption at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Quan Yuan United States Sasithorn Zuge CNMT Department, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Object-Oriented Programming (CIS110), Data Structure and Algorithms (CIS120), Data Communications & Networks (CIS225), Android Application Development (CIS345), Independent Study (CIS499),
3 NSF/TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Fall 2012 Early Adoption Martin Burtscher United States   Texas State University CS 3339 – Computer Architecture - core; CS 4378T – Parallel Programming
4 Enhancing Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum in CSE Department Dhananjai Rao United States   Miami University Architecture, OS, HPC (elective)
5 Parallel Early And Often John Goulden United States Larry Sells Oklahoma City University CS1, CS2, CS3, Software Engineering
6 Integrating TCPP Curriculum into Computer Engineering Courses at The University of Akron Shivakumar Sastry United States   The University of Akron Computer organization, operating systems, elective senior/grad embedded networks
7 Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing into University of North Dakota’s Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum Travis Desell United States   University of North Dakota CS161 Computer Science II and CS 445 Mathematical Modeling
8 Early Adoption of TCPP Core Topics at Holy Cross Kevin Walsh United States   College of the Holy Cross Computer Systems and Organization
9 A Parallel-Focused Curriculum for Undergraduates at Humboldt State University: Evaluating the TCPP Core Curriculum Initiative Scott Burgess United States   Humboldt State University Operating Systems, Architecture, Algorithms
10 Mulriprocessor Programming and Algorithms: NSF/IEEE-TCPP Early Adopter for LSU Undergraduates Costas Busch United States   Lousiana State University multiprocessor systems
11 NSF/TCPP Early Adopter Proposal at Saint Anselm College Rajesh Prasad United States   Saint Anselm College Computer Architecture, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Networks
12 Distributed Systems Curriculum Infusion Using GENI Infrasturcture Mousa Ayyash United States Muhammad Anan Chicago State University Distributed Systems (Network Programming, Wireless Networks Security and Design)
13 Teaching Parallel Programming in Advanced C Programming Yung-Hsiang Lu United States   Purdue University ECE 264 - Advanced C Programming
14 Parallel and Distributed Computation Program for Southern University Ebrahim Khosravi United States Oleg Starovoytov, Shizhong Yang Southern University A&M College Introductory algorithms and programming, organization, scientific computing, architecture, distributed processing. Grad courses in algorithms and distributed computing.
15 Integrate Parallel and Distributed Computation Program into Current Computational Courses at Southern University Shizhong Yang United States Ebrahim Khosravi, Liuxi Tan Southern University and A & M College CMPS 360: Scientific computing, CMPS 432 Distributed processing and CMPS 592 Advanced topics
16 NSF/TCPP Curriculum: Concurrent and Distributed Algorithms Yanhong A. Liu United States Scott D. Stoller State University of New York at Stony Brook Analysis of Algorithms (core-offered each semester); Concurrent and Distributed Algorithms (offered each year)
17 Early adopter proposal regarding the Software Engineering 751 elective course Nasser Giacaman New Zealand Oliver Sinnen The University of Auckland SoftEng 751: High Performance Computing
18 NSF/TCPP Core Curriculum Initiative for SUTD Chau Yuen Singapore Jason Gu Singapore University of Technology and Design Introduction to Algorithms - departmental core; Computer System Engineering - departmental core; and Graph Theory and Algorithm - elective.
19 China Course Restructuring Plan of Integrating CS2013/TCPP Topics into Undergraduate Curricula Hai Jin China Feng Lu, Zhenzhen Song, Zirui Wang School of Computer Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology Parallel Programming Principle and Practice; Parallel Data Structure and Algorithm
20 Early Adaptor Plan for TCPP Curriculum at FAST-NU Jawwad Shamsi Pakistan   FASTNational University (NU), Karachi Campus Concurrent and Distributed Systems, High Performance Computing
21 Distributed Systems with Wireless Sensor Network Silvana Rossetto Brazil Noemi Rodriguez UFRJ Graduate and undergraduate course in wireless sensor nets at two different universities.
22 Introducing concurrency concepts from the perspective of computer systems Ana Lucia de Moura Brazil Noemi Rodriguez PUC-Rio Computer Systems
23 NSF/TCPP Curriculum: Early Adoption Proposal at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) Yiyu Shi United States   Missouri S&T CpE318 Digital Systems Modeling and CpE111 Introduction to CE.
24 TCPP Early Adoption: Service and Experiential Learning using Parallel Computing Kera Watkins United States   Wilberforce University IDS L, university wide core, and a co-op course.
25 Early Adoption of TCPP Core Curriculum for Algorithm Topics at Lamar University Quoc-Nam Tran United States   Lamar (Texas State) University Design and Analysis of Algorithms (core)
26 Application of NSF/TCPP Core Curriculum Initiative Materials to Courses in Computational Physics") Michael Levine United States Anirban Jana, Nathan Stone, John Urbanic, Joel Welling Carnegie Mellon University & Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Introduction to Computational Physics and Advance Computational Physics
27 Introducing PDC Concepts in Digital Logic Ramachandran Vaidyanathan United States Jerry Trahan, Suresh Rai Louisiana State University Digital Logic I, II