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EduHPC Program
November 14, 2021

Room 241, America's Center, St. Louis, MO
All Times are in Central Standard Time (CST)

Link to SC'21 EduHPC-21 Workshop Page (to participate)
Link to SC'21 EduHPC-21 Workshop Page (for detailed schedule/times)
Link back to CFP
Detailed Technical Program Schedule and Links:


Joel Adams, Calvin University
Sushil Prasad, University of Texas San Antonio (pdf)

Opening Invited Talk
Real-World Challenges from Edge to Exascale and Beyond (pdf)
Ms. Alexandra (Sandy) Landsberg, Division Director of Computer and Information Sciences, U.S. Office of Naval Research

Morning Break

Paper Session 1
Diverse Approaches to Teaching HPC

Experience and Practice Teaching An Undergraduate Course on Diverse Heterogeneous Architectures (pdf)
Eitan Frachtenberg, Reed College

Best Paper Award: The Hour of Cyberinfrastructure (Hour of CI): Early Findings from Pilot Study to Build Cyber Literacy for GIScience (pdf
Eric Shook, University of Minnesota
Forrest Bowlick, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Anand Padmanabhan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Karen Kemp, University of Southern California

Educating HPC Users in the use of Advanced Computing Technology (pdf)
Eva Siegmann, Stony Brook University
Alan Calder, Stony Brook University
Catherine Feldman, Stony Brook University
Robert J. Harrison, Stony Brook University


Lightning Talks
Hengry Gabb, Intel Corp
Lightning Talks (combined pdf)

Attack at Dawn: Cracking Codes with CUDA 
Michael Shah, Northeastern University, Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Rahul Toppur, Northeastern University, Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Teaching SIMD Instructions using Intel Intrinsics in Computer Organization Course
Satish Puri, Marquette University

Teaching Edge Computing as an Undergraduate Course
Neftali Watkinson, University of California, Riverside
Alexandru Nicolau, University of California, Irvine

Towards Enabling Education as a Service on High Performance Computing Resource
Weijia Xu, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
Hui Zhang, University of Louisville


Mark Your Calendar
Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Technical University
Satish Puri, Marquette University


Paper Session 2
Tools for Teaching HPC

Visualizing Parallel Dynamic Programming Using the Thread Safe Graphics Library (pdf)
Grey Ballard, Wake Forest University
Sarah Parsons, Wake Forest University

Automated Testing of Visual Observed Concurrency (pdf)
Prasun Dewan, University of North Carolina
Andrew Wortas, University of North Carolina
Ken Liu, University of North Carolina
Samuel George, University of North Carolina
Bowen Gu, University of North Carolina
Hao Wang, University of North Carolina


Community Accouncements 1

Joel Adams, Calvin University

Dive Into Systems
Tia Newhall, Swarthmore College

Parallel Computing for Beginners
Joel Adams

Nvidia Corp.
Joe Bungo

Afternoon Break

Community Announcements 2
Joel Adams, Calvin University
CDER Curriculum Initiative (pdf)
Sushil Prasad, University of Texas San Antonio
Chip Weems, University of Massachusetts

Intel Corp.
Henry Gabb

Open Audience Announcements

Peachy Parallel Assignments
David Bunde, Knox College
Peachy parallel Assignments (combined pdf)

Introduction to Batch Scheduling Concepts and Practices 
Henri Casanova, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Rafael Ferreira da Silva, University of Southern California
Herman Li, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Wind tunnel: An assignment for OpenMP, MPI and CUDA/OpenCL
Arturo Gonzalez-Escribano, Universidad de Valladolid
Yuri Torres, Universidad de Valladolid


Closing Invited Talk
Parallel Computing: The Next Generation (pdf)
Mr. Paul Tymann, Program Director, Division of Undergraduate Education, U.S. National Science Foundation

Closing and Farewells
Joel Adams, Calvin University