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EduHiPC 2023: Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing

5th Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing

(EduHiPC 2023)

18 December, 2023, Goa, India

(EduHiPC Faculty Training Workshop: Online 20 November - 6 December;

In-person on 17 December)

Link to Technical Program

Call for Submission

High Performance Computing (HPC) and, in general, Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) is ubiquitous. Every computing device, from a smartphone to a supercomputer, relies on parallel processing. Compute clusters of multicore and manycore processors (CPUs and GPUs) are routinely used in Computer Science and other Engineering and Science domains. Therefore, it is important for every programmer, software professional and researchers using computing to understand how parallelism and distributed computing affect problem solving. It is essential for educators to impart a range of PDC and HPC skills and knowledge at multiple levels within the curriculum of computing and related disciplines. Software industry and research laboratories require people with these skills, more so now. Thus, they now engage in extensive on-the-job training. Additionally, rapid changes in hardware platforms, languages, and programming environments increasingly challenge educators to decide what to teach and how to teach, in order to prepare students for careers that involve PDC and HPC. EduHiPC aims to provide a forum that brings together academia, industry, government, and non-profit organizations – especially from India, its vicinity, and Asia – for exploring and exchanging experiences and ideas about the inclusion of high-performance, parallel, and distributed computing into undergraduate and graduate curriculum of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computational Science, Computational Engineering, and computational courses for STEM and business and other non-STEM disciplines.

The 5th EduHiPC (EduHiPC 2023) workshop invites unpublished manuscripts from academia, industry, and government laboratories on topics pertaining to needs and approaches for augmenting undergraduate and graduate education in Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science, and computational courses for both STEM and business disciplines with PDC and HPC concepts. Additionally, we encourage manuscripts that validate their innovative approaches through the systematic collection and analysis of information to evaluate their performance and impact. The workshop is particularly dedicated to bringing together stakeholders from industry (hardware vendors, and research and development organizations), government labs, and academia in the context of HiPC 2023. The goal of the workshop is to hear the challenges faced by educators and professionals, to learn about various approaches to addressing these challenges, and to have opportunities to exchange ideas and solutions. We also encourage submissions related to the challenges in imparting education during this recent global pandemic and online evaluation mechanisms for PDC/HPC. This effort is in coordination with the Center for Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Pedagogical issues in incorporating PDC and HPC in undergraduate and graduate education, especially in core courses.
  2. Novel ways of teaching PDC and HPC topics.
  3. Issues and experiences addressing remote synchronous and asynchronous teaching of PDC/HPC during the gone by pandemic situation and its relevance in current context.
  4. Data science and big data aspects of teaching HPC/PDC, including early experience with data science degree programs.
  5. Evidence-based educational practices for teaching HPC/PDC topics that provide evidence about what works best under what circumstances.
  6. Experience with incorporating PDC and HPC topics into core CS/CE courses and in domains.
  7. Experience with incorporating PDC and HPC topics into core CS/CE courses and in domains. Experience and challenges with HPC education in developing countries, especially in India and her neighboring Asian countries.
  8. Computational Science and Engineering courses.
  9. Pedagogical tools, programming environments, infrastructures, languages, and projects for PDC and HPC.
  10. Employers' experiences with new hires and expectation of the level of PDC and HPC proficiency among new graduates.
  11. Education resources based on high-level programming languages and environments such as Python, CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, SYCL, oneAPI, Hadoop, and Spark.
  12. Parallel and distributed models of programming and computation suitable for teaching, learning, and workforce development.
  13. Issues and experiences addressing the gender gap in computing and broadening participation of underrepresented groups.
  14. Challenges in remote teaching and evaluations, including those related to meaningful engagement of students and fair assessments.
  15. Experience of teaching large scale online courses in HPC and PDC across multiple geographies and student background.


Authors should submit papers in PDF format through the submission site (

We are accepting submissions for full papers (up to 8 pages including figures, tables, and references). Submissions should be formatted as single-spaced, double-column pages (IEEE format). Authors must try to revise their papers to incorporate feedback from the reviewers. All accepted papers will be published in the HiPC Workshop Proceedings and will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library — every accepted paper will have at least one author who will register at the notified registration fee and also present the paper at the conference. For extraneous circumstances authors may be allowed to present virtually. Accepted papers will be available from the CDER website approximately 2 weeks before the workshop so that attendees can read papers before attending the talks. Papers that are not accepted as full papers may be optionally accepted as short poster papers (2 pages). Authors of papers accepted as poster papers will be invited to revise their papers in a 2-page format. Authors of all accepted full and short papers must be present at the workshop. Authors will be further invited to publish their work in a Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) special issue, as in the past workshops.


Abstract Submission Deadline: September 22, 2023 (encouraged)

Paper Submission Deadline: September 30, 2023 October 14, 2023,

Paper Notification: November 5, 2023

Camera-ready Deadline: November 15, 2023

All deadlines are at 11:59 PM AoE (UTC-12).

Registration Fees for Accepted Papers:

At least one author of an accepted paper must register and present the paper. Any support for paper registration fees will be communicated to selected papers by the EduHiPC committee.

EduHiPC Faculty Training workshop

There will be a three-week long hands-on training workshop on how to integrate parallel and distributed computing (PDC) in undergraduate CS and CE curriculum in online format. One day in-person meeting of the training workshop will occur on December 17 (a day prior to EduHiPC workshop) at the conference venue. The training is targeted for faculty who teach undergraduate CS/CE classes and do not have expertise in PDC. Prior to this workshop a few online training sessions will be conducted in the preceding weeks. The training will be jointly conducted by Scientists from C-DAC and Faculty experts affiliated with CDER center and IIT Goa. C-DAC India will sponsor registration fee for HiPC conference for 40 participants attending the training workshop. Interested faculty are encouraged to apply to participate in the workshop by completing the following application form. Further details can be found in

IMPORTANT DATES - EduHiPC Training (3-weeks online, 1-day in-person)

Virtual Training: November 20 – December 6, 2023 6:00 pm -8:pm IST (3 days/week)

In-Person Training: December 17, 2023, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm IST,

Novotel Goa Dona Sylvia Cavelossim Beach,

Registration Link:

Registration Last Date: 15 October 2023

Registration may close earlier if seats get filled up.

Travel stipend, if any, to selected participants will be communicated by the EduHiPC committee.


Organizing Committee

Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Tech University, USA

Anshul Gupta, IBM, USA

Ashish Kuvelkar, C-DAC, India

Sushil Prasad, University of Texas, San Antonio, USA

Sharad Sinha, IIT Goa, India

Alan Sussman, National Science Foundation & University of Maryland, USA

Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Louisiana State University, USA

Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts, USA

Workshop Co-Chairs

Sheikh Ghafoor, Tennessee Tech University, USA,

Sushil K. Prasad, University of Texas San Antonio, USA,

Program Co-Chairs

Ashish Kuvelkar, C-DAC, India,

Sharad Sinha, IIT Goa, India,

Proceedings Chair

Satish Puri, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA

Web Master

Buddhi Ashan Mallika Kankanamalage, University of Texas San Antonio, USA

Tentative Program Committee

Joel Adams, Calvin College, USA

Konduri Aditya, IISc Bangalore

Ritu Arora, Wayne State University, USA

Martina Barnas, ONR Global, London

Swarnendu Biswas, IIT Kanpur

David Brown, Elmhurst University, USA

David Bunde, Knox College, USA

Unnikrishnan C, IIT Palakkad

Henry Gabb, Intel, USA

Nasser Giacaman, The University of Auckland, NZ

Shiva Gopalakrishnan, IIT Bombay, India

Anshul Gupta, IBM Research, USA

Chitra P. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, India

Devangi Parikh, University of Texas, USA

Dhiraj Patil, IIT Dharwad

Suresh Purini, IIIT Hyderabad

G. Ramakrishna, IIT Tirupati

Mike Rogers, Tennessee Tech University, USA

Somnath Roy, IIT Kharagpur

Subodh Sharma, IIT Delhi, India

Jagpreet Singh, IIIT Allahabad

Alan Sussman, University of Maryland, USA

Shubbi Taneja, Worcester Polytechnique Institute

Ramachandran Vaidyanathan, Louisiana State University, USA

Ramrao Wagh, Goa University

Charles Weems, University of Massachusetts, USA