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Early Adopter Status Awarded - Spring 2011




Konstantin Läufer (Coordinator)
Chandra N. Sekharan
George K. Thiruvathukal
Loyola University Chicago

Server-Side Software Development, Programming Languages, Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Distributed Systems, Web Services Programming, Data Structures, Intermediate Object-Oriented Development, Advanced Object-Oriented Development

Martha A. Kim (Coordinator)

Columbia University

Fundamentals of Computer Systems; Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming;

Steven Bogaerts (Coordinator)
Kyle Burke
Jim Noyes
Brian Shelburne
Melissa Smith
Eric Stahlberg

Wittenberg University and Clemsom University

CS1, Algorithms, Programming Languages,  Computer Organization, CS2, Computational Models and Methods

Kraemer, Eileen (Coordinator)
University of Georgia

Introduction to Computing and Programming, Software Development, Systems Programming, Data Structures

Joel Adams (Coordinator)
Calvin College

Introduction to Data Structures, Programming Language Concepts, Operating Systems and Networking

Syrotiuk, Violet (Coordinator)
Chen, Yinong
Kostelich, Eric
Lee, Yann-Hang
Mahalov, Alex
Speyer, Gil
Arizona State University

The ASU Experience, Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Distributed Software Development, Introduction to High Performance Computing, Scientific Computing

Marcelo Arroyo (Coordinator)
Nazareno Aguirre
Marcela Daniele
Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina

Computer Architectures, Operating Systems, Programming languages and paradigms, Software architectures for distributed systems, Data structures and algorithms III, Models and Simulation, Language theory /compilers, Theory of computation, Validation and verification of software, Parallel programming and Distributed Systems

Stephen V. Providence (Coordinator)
Hampton University

Parallel Programming in CSC 151, 152 (CS1, CS2) - Computer Programming I, II, Parallel Architecture in CSC 204, 205 (Systems1, Systems2) Computer Architecture, Organization and
Systems I, II, Parallel Algorithms in CSC 251, 252 (DS/A1, DS/A2) - Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis I, II

Zoltan Juhasz (Coordinator)
University of Pannonia, Hungary

Parallel Computing

Claudia Fohry (Coordinator)
Kassel University, Germany

Parallel Computing 1 to 3

Bunde, David P. (Coordinator)
Dooley, John F.
Spacco, Jaime
Knox College

Computer organization and assembly language, Algorithm design and analysis, Operating systems and networking, Software development and professional practice

Bo Hong (Coordinator)
Georgia Institute of Technology

Introduction to Parallel Computing

Kishore Kothapalli (Coordinator)
International Institute of Information Technology, India

Data Structures

Joshua Stough (Coordinator)
Washington and Lee University

CS2/DS using Python, and Interactive Computer Graphics using C++ and OpenGL

Claudio Delrieux (Coordinator)
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina

Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Computing

Narsingh Deo (Coordinator)
University of Central Florida

Concepts in Parallel and Distributed Computing