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1st European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EDUPAR)

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1st European Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education for Undergraduate Students (Euro-EDUPAR)
August 24, 2015

9:00a - 10:30a Session I
9:00a - 9:10a Opening Remarks
Arnold L. Rosenberg, Northeastern University
9:10a - 10:00a Keynote Presentation
Challenges of a Systematic Approach to Parallel Computing and Supercomputing Education
    Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University
10:00a - 10:25a Position Paper
Parallelism vs Distributed Computing: a Great Confusion?
    Michael Raynal, IRISA, Univ. of Rennes, France and Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
10:30a - 11:00a Coffee Break
11:00a - 12:30p Session II : Parallelism in Sciences and Engineering
11:00a - 11:25a Teamwork Across Disciplines: High-Performance Computing Meets Engineering
    Philipp Neumann, Christoph Kowitz, Felix Schranner and Dmitrii Azarnykh
11:25a - 11:50a Teaching Parallel Programming in Interdisciplinary Studies
Eduardo Cesar, Ana Cortés, Antonio Espinosa, Tomas Margalef, Anna Sikora, Remo Suppi and Juan Carlos Moure
11:50a - 12:15p Teaching Heart Modeling and Simulation on Parallel Computing Systems
Andrey Sozykin, Mikhail Chernoskutov, Anton Koshelev, Vladimir Zverev, Konstantin Ushenin and Olga Solovyova
12:15p - 12:30p Interdisciplinary practical course on parallel finite element method using HiFlow3
Markus Hoffmann, Eva Treiber, Simon Gawlok, Wolfgang Karl and Vincent Heuveline
12:30p - 2:00p Lunch Break
2:00p - 4:00p Session III : Courses and Experiences
2:00p - 2:25p Concurrent and Parallel Interactive Theoretical Teaching through ICT
    Antonio J. Tomeu-Hardasmal, Alberto Salguero and Manuel I. Capel Tuñón
2:25p - 2:50p An Educational Module Illustrating how Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Parallel Processors Connects to Graph Partitioning
    M. Ali Rostami and Martin Buecker.
2:50p -3:50p Panel: Parallel and Distributed Computing Teaching in Europe, Necessities and Perspectives
    Henri E. Bal, Vrije Universiteit
    Arnold L. Rosenberg, Northeastern Univ., Boston
    Rizos Sakellariou, University of Manchester
    Denis Trystram, Grenoble Institute of Technology
    Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University
4:00p - 4:30p Coffee Break
4:30p - 6:00p Session IV : Tools for Teaching Parallelism
4:30p - 4:55p SAUCE: A Web-based Automated Assessment Tool for Teaching Parallel Programming
    Moritz Schlarb, Christian Hundt and Bertil Schmidt.
4:55p - 5:20p FerbJmon Tools - Visualizing Thread Access on Java Objects using Light-weight Runtime Monitoring
    Marvin Ferber.
5:20p - 5:45p On line service for teaching parallel programming
    Marek Nowicki, Maciej Marchwiany, Maciej Szpindler and Piotr Bala.
5:45p - 5:55p Closing Remarks