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EduPar-15 Technical Program

EduPar-15 Workshop


NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education (EduPar-15) Program




8:30am-8:35am Message from the Program Chair
    Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University
8:35am-9:30am Keynote Session
    Session Chair: Andrew Lumsdaine
      Teaching Data Science: Curriculum and Online Technology
    Geoffrey Charles Fox, Indiana University
    (presentation slides)


Coffee Break and Posters
    All posters available

10:00am-12:00pm Session I: Course Design
    Session Chair: Sushil Prasad
 10:00am-11:20am Regular talks (20 mins each)
    Teaching High Performance Computing and Simulations at secondary schools in the German state of Baden
    Württemberg Ruediger Berlich, Joerg Hilpert, Almut Zwölfer, Jochen Barwind, Peter Lürßen
    (paper, slides)
   The active classroom: students and instructors parallel programming in parallel
    Nasser Giacaman, Simar Kalra, Oliver Sinnen
    (paper, slides)
   Introducing Tetra: An Educational Parallel Programming System
    Ian Finlayson, Jerome Mueller, Shehan Rajapakse, Daniel Easterling
    (paper, slides)
   Patternlets: A Teaching Tool for Introducing Students to Parallel Design Patterns
    Joel Adams
    (paper, slides)
 11:20am-11:35am Q&A Speaker's Panel


Posters presentations: Posters Group 1     

   EA Poster:Promoting Teaching Effectiveness and Cultivating Interests in Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Michelle Zhu, Shahram Rahimi and Shahriar Rahimi
   EA Poster: Asymptotic Analysis of Parallel Algorithms: an Experimental Approach
    Viraj Kumar and Mohammad Ghazanfar
    (paper, slides)
   EA Poster: Extending parallel programming education beyond the von Neumann architecture
    Nikhil Shekhawat and Sumit Jha
    (paper, poster )
   EA Poster: Flipping a parallel programming class
    David Bunde
   EA Poster: Unified Assessment of Skills in Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Victor Gergel, Iosif Meyerov and Alexander Sysoyev




Lunch Break and Posters

1:30pm - 3:30pm Session II: Methods and Tools
    Session Chair: Andrew Lumsdaine
    1:30pm-2:30pm Regular talks (20 mins each)
An Research-Oriented Advanced Multicore Architecture Course
    Julio Sahuquillo, Salvador Petit, Vicent Selfa, Maria Engracia Gómez
    (paper, slides)
   Updating an Introductory Performance Course with PDC
    Karen L. Karavanic, Daniel Leblanc
   Novelties in Teaching High Performance Computing
    Jawwad Shamsi, Nourman Durrani, Nadeem Kafi
    (paper, slides)
    2:30pm-2:45pm Q&A Speaker's Panel


Posters presentations: Posters Group 2     

   EA Poster: Research-oriented Teaching of PDC Topics in Integration with Software Engineering and Computer Networks Courses
    Sandeep Kumar and Kuldeep Kumar
    (paper, poster,slides)
   EA Poster: Parallel Places: Introducing Parallel Programming in Geographical Information Science
    Shannon Kobs Nawotniak
   EA Poster: Teaching High Performance Computing with a Practical Approach
    Jawwad Shamsi, Nouman M Durrani, Areeb Moin and Zaeem Baig
   EA Poster: Early Adoption Efforts at Portland State University
    Karen L. Karavanic
   EA Poster: Analysis and Lesson Learned in Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing for Undergraduate Computer Science Course at Universiti Putra Malaysia
    Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid and Masnida Hussin
    (paper, poster)




Coffee break and Posters
4:00pm-6:00pm Session III: Curriculum Integration
     4:00pm-5:00pm Regular talks (20 mins each)
   Incorporating PDC Modules into Computer Science Courses at Jackson State University
    Ali Abu El Humos, Sungbum Hong, Jacqueline Jackson, Xuejun Liang,Tzusheng Pei, Bernard Aldrich
    (paper, slides)
   Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing Topics into Undergraduate CS Curriculum at UESTC
    Guoming Lu, Jie Xu, Jieyan Liu, Bo Dai, Shenglin Gui, Siyu Zhan
    (paper, poster, slides)
   Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Computing for Software Engineering Undergraduates
    Ali Ebnenasir, Jean Mayo
    (paper, slides)
     5:00pm-5:15pm Q&A Speaker's Panel


Posters presentations: Posters Group 3     

   EA Poster: NSF/TCPP Early Adopter Experience at Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology Computer Science and Technology Department
    Shanyu Wu, Yunhe Li and Feng
   EA Poster: Integrating Parallel Distributed Computing Topics Throughout Undergraduate CS Curriculum: A Work in Progress
    Sheikh Ghafoor and Mike Rogers
    (paper, poster)
   EA Poster - Parallel and Distributed Computing Curriculum at College of Staten Island
    Yumei Huo and Feng Gu
   Integrating Concepts from Parallel and Distributed Computing Into a Small Liberal Arts Undergraduate College
    Rajesh Prasad
   Some Parallel and Distributed Computing Topics at Undergraduate Level of Information Technology
    Hiren Kumar Deva Sarma
   EA Poster submitting-Integrating Parallel and Distributed Computing Topics into an Undergraduate CS Curriculum at UESTC
    Guoming Lu
    (paper, slides)
   EA poster: Incorporating PDC Modules into Computer Science Courses at Jackson State University
    Ali Abu El Humos, Sungbum Hong, Jacqueline Jackson, Xuejun Liang, Tzusheng Pei and Bernard Aldrich Jr
    (paper, poster)