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EduHPC 2024 Technical Program

EduHPC-24 Technical Program

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Location: Room B301

Atlanta, Georgia

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9:00 am


Sushil Prasad, Workshop Chair

George K. Thiruvathukal, Program Chair

(Opening Remarks)

9:05 am

Opening Invited Talk

Introduction by George K. Thiruvathukal, Loyola University Chicago


Energy Efficiency: A Major Focus for Future HPC Systems

Valerie Taylor

Director, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory

Abstract: HPC systems are increasing in complexity, with the use of accelerators, complex interconnects, and growing number of nodes. These systems are critical to solving scientific challenges in areas such as materials design, climate modeling, computational biology, and the use of AI to advance scientific discovery. Generally, performance of such systems is focused on metrics such as runtime or throughput. However, the power requirement is becoming a major issue with current systems requiring tens of megawatts. Future HPC data centers are even considering gigawatts of power demand. This talk will focus on the importance of curriculum that exposes students to energy efficiency in terms of system design, application development, and monitoring.

Speaker Bio: Valerie Taylor is the Director of the Mathematics and Computer Science Division and a Distinguished Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. Her research is in high-performance computing, with a focus on performance analysis, modeling and tuning of parallel, scientific applications using AI. Her current work is on energy efficient methods.

Prior to joining Argonne, she was the Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering and a Regents Professor and the Royce E. Wisenbaker Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University. In 2003, she joined Texas A&M University as the Department Head of CSE, where she remained in that position until 2011. Prior to joining Texas A&M, Valerie Taylor was a member of the faculty in the EECS Department at Northwestern University for eleven years. She is also the CEO and President of the Center for Minorities and People with Disabilities in IT (CMD-IT), for which she is a co-founder.

Valerie Taylor is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, and AAAS Fellow.

9:55 am

Lightning Talks and Peachy

Session Chair: David Bunde, Knox College

5 minutes per talk; Q&A during break

Lightning talks:

HPC meets QC in the Classroom: A Module for Applied Quantum Machine Learning.

Monica VanDieren, Houlong Zhuang, and Daniel Justice


Consider an Applications-First Approach for PDC.

Michelle Mills Strout


Experience Report: Addition of PDC content to an existing CS0 course at a small community college.

Charlotte Gruner


Empowering HPC Education with SYCL: Open-Source Modules for Modern Supercomputers.

Erik Pautsch, Jorge Velez, Raymundo Hernandez-Esparza, Alvaro Mayagoitia, Silvio Rizzi, and George K. Thiruvathukal


Educating for Hardware Specialization in the Chiplet Era: A Path for the HPC Community.

Kazutomo Yoshii and Mohamed Aly


Peachy Assignments:

DNA sequence alignment: An assignment for OpenMP, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCL.

Arturo Gonzalez-Escribano, Diego García-Álvarez, and Jesús Cámara


An Introduction to Parallel Quantum Computation and Circuit Cutting through QAOA for Max-Cut.

Monica VanDieren


10:30 am
Coffee Break
11:00 am

Paper Session

Session Chair: Erik Saule, UNC Charlotte

Introduction to Parallel and Distributed Programming using N-Body Simulations.

Alexander Van Craen, Marcel Breyer, and Dirk Pflüger

Leveraging National Science Data Fabric Services to Train Data Scientists.

Michela Taufer, Heberth Martinez, Aashish Panta, Paula Olaya, Jack Marquez, Amy Gooch, Giorgio Scorzelli, and Valerio Pascucci

Improving Input-Step Performance.

Paper | ppt

Joel Adams

Hands-on Learning: Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing through Unplugged Activities in Undergraduate CS Courses.

Anurag Dasgupta, Venkat Margapuri, Simon Shamoun, Shubbhi Taneja, and Matt Toups

12:00 am

Paper Q&A

12:20 pm

CDER Center and other Announcements

Session Chair: Sushil Prasad, UT San Antonio

12:30 pm

Closing Remarks

George K. Thiruvathukal, Loyola University Chicago; Erik Saule, UNC Charlotte