Technical Program
EduHPC: Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing
Sun, Nov 16, 2014
In conjunction with SC-14: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
The EduHPC Workshop is devoted to the development and assessment of educational resources for undergraduate education in Parallel and Distributed Computing (PDC) and High Performance Computing (HPC). Both PDC and HPC now permeate the world of computing to a degree that makes it imperative for even entry-level computer professionals to incorporate these computing modalities into their computing toolkits, no matter what aspect of computing they work on. This workshop focuses on the state of the art in HPC and PDC education, by means of both contributed and invited papers from academia, industry, and other educational and research institutions. Topics of interest include all topics pertaining to the teaching of PDC and HPC within Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science, and Domain Science and Engineering curricula. The emphasis of the workshop is undergraduate education, but fundamental issues related to graduate education are also welcome. The workshop is coordinated by the CDER Center for PDC Education and highlights the NSF/TCPP curriculum initiative on PDC (
This workshop invites unpublished manuscripts from academia, industry, and government laboratories on topics pertaining to the needs and approaches for augmenting undergraduate and graduate education in Computer Science and Engineering, Computational Science and computational courses for STEM and business disciplines with PDC and high performance computing (HPC) requirements.
The workshop is particularly dedicated to bringing together stakeholders from industry (both hardware/software vendors and employers), government labs, funding agencies, and academia in the context of SC-14, so that each can hear the challenges faced by the others, can learn the various approaches to these challenges, and can generally have opportunities to exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions. In addition to contributed talks, this workshop will feature panels, special sessions, and invited talks on opportunities for collaboration, resource sharing, educator training, internships, and other means of increasing cross-fertilization between industry, government, and academia, without "eating the seed corn." Proposals for panels and special sessions are also welcome.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Pedagogical issues in incorporating PDC and HPC into undergraduate and graduate education, especially in core courses
2. Novel ways of teaching PDC and HPC topics
3. Experience with incorporating PDC and HPC topics into core CS/CE courses
4. Pedagogical tools, programming environments, infrastructures, languages, and projects for PDC and HPC
5. Employers’ experiences with and expectation of the level of PDC and HPC proficiency among new graduates.
Papers: Authors are asked to submit 6-8 page papers in pdf format through the EasyChair submission site at choosing its “Paper” track. Submissions should be formatted as single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references. See style templates for details. Papers will be published in the conference workshop proceedings.
LaTex Package Word Template
Aug 20, 2014: Abstract submission deadline
Aug 27, 2014: Paper submission deadline (update your abstract submission on EasyChair with manuscript)
Sept 20, 2014: Author notification
Oct 1, 2014: Camera-ready paper deadline - IEEE Formatting Templates to be employed:
Panels: Prospective organizers are asked to submit a proposal in PDF format through the EasyChair submission site at choosing its “Panel” track. Upload a single PDF file that describes the panel, which may include such information as description of the panel topic or position statements by the panelists. You must convince us that the panel will truly be an interactive session and not a series of presentations. Explain why the panel will attract a good audience and why the audience will feel that the panel was beneficial. Suggested length for this proposal is 1-2 pages. Use font and style as for papers noted earlier.
Sept 15, 2014: Proposal for panels submission deadline
Oct 1, 2014: Notifications for panels
Workshop Chair:
Sushil K. Prasad, Georgia State University
Program Committee:
Allen, Gabrielle, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Bhavsar, Virendra, University of New Brunswick
Brito, Andrey, UFCG
Bunde, David, Knox College
Dehne, Frank, Carleton University
Dhawan, Akshaye, Ursinus College
Ghafoor, Sheikh, TTU
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh, University of Utah
Gupta, Anshul, IBM Research
Juedes, David, Ohio University, School of EECS
Kaeli, David, Northeastern University
Kalyanaraman, Ananth, Washington State University
Kothapalli, Kishore, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Lumsdaine, Andrew, Indiana University
Neeman, Henry, University of Oklahoma
Pacheco, Peter, University of San Francisco
Parashar, Manish, Rutgers University
Phillips, Cynthia, Sandia National Laboratories
Prasad, Sushil Georgia State University
Rosenberg, Arnold, Northeastern University
Sekharan, Chandra, Loyola University Chicago
Sussman, Alan, University of Maryland
Vivien, Frédéric, INRIA
Wang, Cho-Li, The University of Hong Kong
Weems, Charles, University of Massachusetts