Workshop Chairs:
Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State University and National Science Foundation, USA)
R. Govindranjan (Indian Institutte of Science, India)
Session Chair: Sheikh Ghafoor (Tennessee Tech, USA)
Invited Talks - National Initiatives (30 min each)
1. Ashish P. Kuvellkar (C-DAC, India)
"Development of HPC aware manpower under National Supercomputing Mission"
(abstract, slides)
2. Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State University and National Science Foundation, USA)
"Developing IEEE-TCPP Parallel and Distrbuted Computing Curriculum and NSF CyberTraining Program"
(abstract, slides)
3. Seetha Rama Krishna Nookala (Intel, India)
“Convergence of computing, enabling next gen developers to handle the upcoming challenges“
(abstract, slides)
Poster Lightning Talks (5 min each)
1. Ritu Arora and Lars Koesterke (TACC, USA)
"Teaching Parallel Programming Using an Interactive Parallelization Tool"
(abstract, slides)
2. Kazi A Kalpoma and Md. Shahriar Mahbub (AUST, Bangladesh)
"Challenges of integrating parallel and distributed computing topics into Undergraduate CSE curriculum of AUST: Bangladesh Perspective"
(abstract, slides)
3. Vaishali Shah, Venkatesh Shenoi and Sandeep Joshi (ISSC, India and C-DAC, India)
"HPC for novices through a course in parallel programming"
(abstract, slides)
4. Lakshmi Narasimhan and Tshiamo Motshegwa (University of Botswana, Botswana)
"Parallel & High Performance Computing Education – A Botswana Perspective
Morning Break
Session Chair: R. Govindranjan (Indian Institutte of Science, India)
Invited Talk - Training and Tools (30 min)
4. Abani Petra (SUNY, Buffalo, USA)
"Reinventing Computing Education for the Converged HPC and Data Driven World"
(abstract, slides)
Poster Lightning Talks (5 min each)
5. Prasun Dewan (UNC: Chapel Hill, USA)
"The Structure of a Project-Based Course on the Fundamentals of Distributed Computing"
(abstract, slides, youtube)
6. Ajit Singh and Dr. Pavan Chakraborty (Indian Institute of Information Technology, India)
"SimuLock - Simulator for lock based synchronization primitives on many-core processors"
7. Sukhamay Kundu (Louisiana State University, USA)
"Early Introduction to Parallel Computing via Applications in Data Analytics"
(abstract, slides)
8. Amarjeet Sharma, Anil Kumar Gupta and Sharda Dixit (C-DAC, India)
"Reproducibility Framework for Scientific Application in HPC"
(abstract, slides)
9. Chitra Pandian (Thiagarajar College of Engieering, Madurai)
"Novel approach for teaching a course on “Parallel Computing Systems”"
(abstract, slides)
10. Deepak Aggarwal, Prashant Kumar, Harish Charan and Hemant Joshi (Institute for Plasma Research, India and Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
"Parallel & Distributed Computing (PDC) Using Low Cost, Compact and Portable Raspberry Pi Mini Cluster: Pradyut"
(abstract, slides)
11. Prathamesh Tugaonkar (Terna Engineering College, Mumbai)
"Augmenting Massive Hands on Labs (MHOL) in Parallel Computing Course"
(abstract, slides)
Poster Session Interactive Discussion (1 hr)
Lunch Break
Session Chair: Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State University and National Science Foundation, USA)
Invited Talks - Curricular Innovations and Adoption (30 min each)
5. Andrew Lumsdaine (PNNL and University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
"The only constant is change: Maintaining an up-to-date HPC curriculum"
6. Sheik Ghafoor (Tennessee Tech, USA)
"A Roadmap to Integrate PDC Topics in Introductory Programming Classes: An US Experience"
(abstract, slides)
7. R.K. Shyamasundar (IIT Bombay and TIFR, India)
"Role of Concurrency and Distributed Programming in the Era of Blockchains, PGAS, GPUs"
8. Kishore Kothapalli (IIIT Hyderbad, India)
"Experiences of Teaching Parallel Programming to Early Undergraduates"
(abstract, slides)
Afternoon Break
Town Hall - EduHiPC Future Planning
Workshop Chairs
Sushil K. Prasad (Georgia State University and National Science Foundation, USA)
R. Govindranjan (Indian Institutte of Science, India)